Ways To Address Issues With Hearing, Vision or Other Senses

Ways To Address Issues With Hearing, Vision or Other Senses

Solutions for sensory concerns include:

  • Talking with health professionals
  • Encouraging annual eye exams
  • Encouraging regular hearing exams

Talking With Health Professionals

If you or the older adult notices problems or changes with the older adult's vision or hearing, contact a health professional.

Some sensory changes are a normal part of aging. Many can be corrected or treated.

Other sensory changes might be signs of health conditions.

If left untreated, sensory changes can have serious impacts. For example, vision problems increase the risk of falling. Hearing problems can lead to social isolation or affect the brain.

Encouraging Annual Eye Exams

Encourage the older adult to have an eye exam every year. Annual eye exams are recommended for all adults over age 60.

Ophthalmologists and optometrists can evaluate eyesight and eye health, detect conditions that affect vision and provide treatments. They can also suggest low vision aides, like talking medication boxes and tactile labeling, which uses raised dots.

Encouraging Regular Hearing Exams

If the older adult seems to have trouble hearing, encourage them to have their hearing checked.

Audiologists and other health professionals can determine if there is hearing loss and recommend treatments or devices.

Hearing aids, cochlear implants and other assistive listening devices can make it easier to hear. Doorbells, alarms and phones that use flashing lights can help people with hearing loss live independently.